Hello everybody!!
I am so very sorry that it took me so long to get back in posting mood! I had so much stress and worries about university that I couldn’t really think about the ‘nice’ things in life – like updating this food blog, that I have grown to love so much 🙂
Well things with university are still not sorted out and I have to wait until the beginning of next month to get notice if I will be allowed to keep on studying or if I have to quit. This is very nervewracking and it seems to take forever!!
After the first shock and some time of despair when I received the news I am back to seeing things positivly and try not to think about it all the time. In the last weeks I was barly cooking and did no baking at all – that’s how you can see how serious this was! Also I was sick quite some time with a stomach flu, I guess all the stress before just caught up on me…
That’s just how live goes I guess – with all its up and downs…
But I finally brought you something, you all have been waiting for a long time: My mother’s day cake!! It is a creamy and not too heavy Cheese & Cream Cake filled and decorated with strawberries and oreos!! ‘Käsesahne-Torte’ as it is called in Germany is liked very much here. It is a traditional!! Usually it looks quite different, but I gave it my own little twist and spiced it up a bit for the special occasion. Also I like decorating cakes and I don’t get the chance often, so I had to do that too!! 😉 The traditional German Käsesahne-Torte only has one layer of filling and has mandarin oranges and no strawberries or oreos. But that wasn’t fancy enough for me 🙂
You can find the rest of my mother’s day meal here: Steak, Grean Beans and Hasselback Potatoes.
I guess you have waited long enough! Here it comes! Just give it a try yourself, you won’t regret it, it is very yummy 🙂
- 5 eggs
- 5 tablespoons of water (lukewarm)
- 250g (2 cups) flour
- 250g (1⅛ cups) sugar
- 1 sachet of baking powder (1 tablespoon)
- 10 sheets of gelatine + cold water for soaking
- juice of one lemon
- 100ml (1/2 cup) water
- 150g (2/3 cup) sugar
- 500g (18 ounces) of curd cheese (Quark)
- 500g (17 fl.oz) cream, whipped
- 15 Oreos
- 400g (14 ounces) fresh strawberries
- Preheat oven to 160° C (325° F).
- Butter a 28 cm (11 inches) springform pan and line the bottom with baking paper. For this you just put the pan on top of a sheet of baking paper and trace the pan and then cut it out and put on botton of buttered pan!
- Beat eggs with water in a bowl until foamy. Add sugar and beat until white, thick and creamy. This takes time! It has to be really creamy! Add flour and baking powder and mix gently until just incorporated. Pour into springform pan and bake on the middle rack for about 20-25 min. Insert skewer to see if it is ready! Skewer then comes out clean when put into the middle of the cake.
- Put gelatine in a small bowl of cold water and soak for 10 min.
- Meanwhile heat up sugar, water and lemon juice in a pot on the stove on medium heat. It doesn't have to boil. Take the gelatine out of the water and press gently and then dissolve in the warm liquid.
- Stir the curd cheese in a bowl and add the gelatine liquid. Mix until incorporated. Add the whipped cream and mix gently. Reserve ⅓-1/2 of the mixture. Pour it into a box or bowl and cover tightly and put in refrigerator.
- Wash strawberries. Reserve 12 pretty small strawberries and 6 oreos for decoration and cut the rest into bits.
- Take your cake base and cut twice horizontally. Take a plate and put 3 stripes of baking paper in form of a triangle on top. When you put the bottom cake base on top the borders should be sitting on the paper! You can later remove them easily and still have a clean plate! Place a cake ring around the cake base and adjust it to the cakes size.
- Half the rest of the filling. Use one batch for the first layer: Distribute just a little bit of the filling on the cake base - just a thin layer. Add half of the cut strawberries and oreos. Make it kind of even and cover with the rest of the first half of the filling.
- Now put the middle piece of cake base on top. Repeat the filling layer like you did the first time!
- Place the top piece of cake base on top and press down gently. Refrigerate the cake for at least 2 hours, the best is overnight.
- To finish up the cake loose up the cake ring and remove it carefully. Take the leftover filling out of the fridge and whisk it until it is fluffy again. It will not be as creamy as the day before, but with patience and taking little by little you will be able to cover the whole cake. If you are not known for your patience you could still just use all the filling actually to fill the cake and just frost the cake with some whipped cream with whipped cream stabilizer.
- Decorate the cake like you want, you can see how I did it on the pictures 🙂 Remove baking paper stripes and put the cake back into the fridge until you are ready to eat it! Earn a lot of uuuhs and aaahs for all the work you've done! 🙂
Bon appetit!
~ Kathrin
Recipe admitted to Gewinnspiel Erdbeerzeit from Party Princess Blog!