Tag Archives: celebrate

1000 Facebook Fans and a GIVEAWAY!!!

1000 Facebook Fans and a GIVEAWAY!!!

Hey there people!

I am soooo excited to tell you that I now have more than 1000, I mean ONE THOUSAND Facebook Fans!!! I am thrilled!! That is soooooo amazing!!!!

Each and every one of you makes me soooo happy and I am very grateful! I feel so honored that you read my page and blog and that you even ‘like’ it!!

It means the world to me!! 🙂

To give a little something back I decided to take this occasion to host a little giveaway for you!!

Apple Pouch Giveaway by gingerlemonandspice

By leaving a comment on this post you can enter to win this cute and roomy Apple Zipped Pouch! It is handsewn with a lot of love 🙂 You can use it to organize smaller things you might loose in your handbag otherwise, or you can use it as a small handbag or as a make-up bag,… I guess you can think of a lot of other things you can use it for! 🙂

Sorry for the crinkles on the upper pic… You can hardly see any on the actual pouch – I don’t know why they are on the pic.

Apple Pouch Giveaway by gingerlemonandspice

What to do to get into the fortune pot: Leave a comment on this post telling me what you would use this cute pouch for from now until next monday (29th April 2013) 12.p.m. MEZ!

That’s all 🙂 Everybody is allowed to enter and has one entry! That means it doesn’t matter if you’re from the U.S., Germany, Europe or Asia.

If the winner is not claiming his prize until 48h after the announcment another winner will be chosen.

So let’s have some fun!!

Apple Pouch Giveaway by gingerlemonandspice

Take care


The Liebster Blog Award

The Liebster Blog Award

Hello everybody!

Yesterday I received my very first blog award from Greek Bites. The Liebster Blog Award! What is a blog award you ask? It is a little honoration you can get from other food bloggers, if they like your blog. As most of you know, I am quite new to blogging, and so I am especially thrilled to receive this award!!! 🙂

The liebster blog award is given to new bloggers that only have about 200 followers yet. ‘Liebster blog’ is german and means dearest, loveliest or favourite blog.

liebster blog award

There are some rules to accepting this award:

1. Each awarded blogger will post 11 random facts about themselves

2. 11 questions provided by the sender have to be answered

3. 11 new bloggers have to be chosen to which the award will be passed on

Go to their pages, tell them about the award and pass on the link to your post!

So it is kind of a blogger chain mail. But there is nothing bad happening to you, if you don’t pass it along! 😉 It just makes fun and is a nice way to push new blogs a little and get to know the owners.

So here it goes: 11 random facts about me:

1. My birthday is in two days, I will be 26!

2. I have one brother and no sisters

3. I am crazy about flying – planes, airports and all 😉

4. I am studying nutrition science

5. I sing in a gospel choir

6. I am very proud of my 16 year old godchild and I love her very much!

7. I am definitly not the tidiest (tidyest?) person in the world

8. I haven’t painted a lot yet, but I once  did a painting of a crest as an order and even got money for it 😉

 9. I am a junkie of american series

10. I play the clarinette and saxophone

11. I like snow

11 questions asked by greek bites :

1. Do you remember the first dish you actually prepared on your own?

I guess that was Miracoli Pasta – a spaghetti and tomato sauce all-in-one package 😉

2. Who’s your favorite cartoon hero? Definitly superman!

3. PC or Mac – I have a PC, never had a chance to test a Mac before

4. Name one thing you hate the most – exams

5. If you had to live with just one food for a long period of time what would that be? – I can’t really decide, I love food too much! 😉

6. Rain or sun? – sun of course. More difficult would have been: Snow or sun?

7. A meteor falls on you and you have a super power. What’s that? – Flying!!

8. Say what comes first on your mind when you see/hear the words salt – pepper, egg – breakfast, sky – flying, kiss – love, black – white

9. According to you what’s your biggest advantage and disadvantage? Do others agree?

Wow – difficult. I am very creative, i’d like to think that’s positive. I am bad with keeping contact with friends – time just flies by to quickly and sometimes it’s already a few weeks until i write/call back. If others agree I can’t say. Have never asked!

10. What’s the most important thing in your life? (besides family) – This blog and music

11. If you were a food, what would that be? – Maybe a big colorful decorated exotic cake 😉

So now is the time to pass this award along!

I was orienting on facebook likes, as I could not find out how else I would now how many people follow a blog. Also I was a bit liberal with the 200 limitation and the required 11 blogs  🙂

I give it to:


all about food

juggling real food and real life

modest munchies

memories by the mile

cafe vita

simple awsome cooking

melisa colin


And here come your questions!

1. What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?

2. Summer or winter?

3. What did you dream of becoming when you were growing up?

4. What is your profession?

5. Beer or wine?

6. What are your hobbies besides blogging?

7. What is your favourite band?

8. Is there a food you hate?

9. Sweet or salty snacks?

10. Coffee or tea?

11. What was the first blog you read?

Enough said – now I want to hear your stories!!

I hope you have as much fun as I did 🙂

~ Kathrin

Something to celebrate – 150 Facebook Fans!!!

Something to celebrate – 150 Facebook Fans!!!

Hey there – it’s me again!!


Celebrating 150 fans on facebook I thought about something special: A jigsaw puzzle!!

I thought you should have a chance to play too 😉

It is very fun and addicting! Just click on the picture to play. 🙂

150 Milestone Collage ginger, lemon & spice
