Tag Archives: yeast

Braided Yeast Bread with Walnut Filling – Hefezopf mit Walnussfüllung

Braided Yeast Bread with Walnut Filling – Hefezopf mit Walnussfüllung
Braided Yeast Bread with Walnut Filling – Hefezopf mit Walnussfüllung

Hey folks! 

Always wanted to say that 😀

Braided Yeast Bread with Walnut Filling – Hefezopf mit Walnussfüllung by gingerlemonandspice

Well here I am with a great new recipe for you: It is a yeasted and braided bread with a filling of ground walnuts (from our own tree in the backyard!!)! It is sooo pretty and tastes incredibly good! You can’t stop eating once you started 🙂

Braided Yeast Bread with Walnut Filling – Hefezopf mit Walnussfüllung by gingerlemonandspice

I made this braid with my godchild because she wished for it as she had never done one before. You see, I can’t see here as often as I want to because I live and study in another city but I really wanted to make her wish come true! So we made a date and just started baking 🙂 It was awesome!! I really enjoyed the time being with her and doing stuff I love and makes her happy too! 🙂 We were very proud of the outcome and I’d say we were right to be!!

I took a lot of pictures to show you every step of how it’s done! But because I didn’t want you to have to scroll over soo many pictures until you finally reach the recipe I installed a little feature: A slideshow!! Hope you like it 🙂

And here is the recipe:

Braided Yeast Bread with Walnut Filling
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Elegant, soft and yummy yeast bread that is perfect for any coffee table!
Recipe type: Sweet Bread
Cuisine: German
Serves: about 12
  • 500g (4¼ cups) flour
  • 1 sachet of dry yeast
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 50g (1/4 cup) sugar
  • 50g (1/4 cup) butter, softened
  • 200ml (3/4 cup) lukewarm milk
  • 150g (1¼ cup) grounded walnuts
  • 75g (1/3 cup) sugar
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla sugar (or 1 teaspoon extract)
  • 1 tablespoon bread crumbs
  • 6 tablespoons cream
  • 1 egg white
  • if you want: apricot marmelade
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tablespoon of milk
  • 40g (1/3 cup) powdered sugar
  • about 1 teaspoon milk or lemon juice or mixture of both
  1. Put flour, dry yeast, salt and sugar into a bowl and mix. Put softened butter in flakes on top. Slowly add warm milk and mix with a dough hook on an electric mixer. When it pulls of the bottom of the bowl take the dough out on a floured surface and knead with your hands for 5 minutes. Put it back into the bowl and cover with a kitchen towel. Let it sit on a warm place until it doubles in size (about 30-45 minutes).
  1. Mix walnuts, sugar, vanilla, bread crumbs, cream, egg white and if you prefer some apricot marmelade to taste.
  1. Roll out your dough on a floured surface. You can make it as thick or thin as you like. If you prefer your filling more evenly distributed make it thinner and if you want a thicker layer of filling do it thicker.
  2. Cut the dough into 3 parts lengthwise. Distribute the filling on all three parts, then roll up each one individually from the larger side. Now you have your three strings and you can start braiding from the middle to each side (look on the fotos for reference). Hide the ends underneath the braid and put the whole thing onto a baking tray that's layered with baking paper.
  3. Let it sit covered with the kitchen towel in the warm place for another 30 mins.
  4. Preheat oven to 180° C (350° F).
  1. Mix the egg yolk with the milk and brush it on top of the braid. Bake for about 35 minutes.
  2. Your braid is finished when the top (and bottom) are golden brown and a wooden skewer inserted into the middle comes out clean.
  1. Mix powdered sugar and liquid (little by little!! until you have the consistency you want) and brush on top of hot braid. Let cool and Enjoy!!

Braided Yeast Bread with Walnut Filling – Hefezopf mit Walnussfüllung by gingerlemonandspice 

Have a great day!!

~ Kathrin

Apple and onion swirls – Apfel-Zwiebel Schnecken

Apple and onion swirls – Apfel-Zwiebel Schnecken
Apple and onion swirls – Apfel-Zwiebel Schnecken

Hey everybody!!


The new year hast just started and the New Year’s resolutions are still very much in my mind, so I thought i use the flow and give you some quick words and a new recipe.

How has the new year been so far for you? I slept in very long yesterday, and then spent the whole evening with my family at my grandparents’ to give them all their good wishes!

In Germany it is tradition that all the kids get very big soft prezels (not the Oktoberfest-kind, but sweet ones) from their godparents and money from their relatives. Also, if you want to make sure, that you won’t be out of money anytime in the new year, you will eat Sauerkraut on the new years day. That’s what my parents and I did yesterday!!

Do you have any New-Years’ traditions?


So let’s come to the recipe. Another great snack to bring to any kind of party or friends house!! It uses apples and onions which are a great combination especially in autumn and this time of year. We still have apples from our own trees in our garage waiting to be used!


Apple and onion swirls  (Apfel-Zwiebel Schnecken)

I took this recipe from here.



500g flour

250ml lukewarm Water

1 package (42g) of fresh yeast

5 tablespoons olive oil

1 teaspoon salt


4 onions

2 big apples

100g speck (or gammon)

2 tablespoons olive oil

salt, pepper and majoran

100g grated cheese (Emmentaler)


1 egg yolk


1. Dissolve the yeast in the water. Then put all the ingredients for the dough together and knead until it is a nice dough.

2. For the filling peel onions and apples. Cut speck, onions and apples into small cubes and roast gently in a pan. Season to taste with salt, pepper and majoran. Take care with the salt, as the speck usually is quite salty on its own!

3. Halve the dough and coast one into a rectangle shape (about 20×30 cm wide). Sprinkle half the onion-apple mix and half the cheese on top. Roll the dough up starting from on of the smaller sides and cut pieces from 1-2 cm from it. But it on baking paper on a sheet and repeat with the other half of the dough.

4. Whisk the egg yolk with a bit of water and coat the swirls with it.

5. Put the sheets into the oven. Back at 200°C for 25-30 minutes.



~ Kathrin