Around The World: Ireland – Eggsalad Sandwich & Crisps

Around The World: Ireland – Eggsalad Sandwich & Crisps
Around The World: Ireland – Eggsalad Sandwich & Crisps

Welcome to the second day of the Around the World series featuring Ireland!

Around The World, Week by Week: Ireland -  Eggsalad Sandwiches with Crisps by gingerlemonandspice

In Ireland most of the agriculture is based on livestock farming, especially dairy farming. Irish dairy products such as Kerrygold Butter or cheese are greatly advertised and known internationally! As the most parts of the rural areas are grasslands, especially keeping milkcows is a good business and the milk and products of those fresh herb and grass fed animals are known for their great taste.

Another product the Irish diet is based upon are potatoes, which came to the island in the second half of the 16th century. A story says, that the people in Ireland were poor and did not have much to eat during that time but they didn’t trust the new plant and wouldn’t eat from it or eat the leaves, which are poisonous. So what the governers did was plant fields of potatoes but protect them with many guards from thiefs. Now the residents thought the plant was incredible precious and stole the plants anyway and planted their own fields. This helped the potato to become a very important ingredient of the Irish diet in a short time! But unfortunately it lead also to the big famine of the years past 1845 because of crop failures of the potato and many people died.


I guess because in history the people of Ireland where poor people which always had to be creative to get enough to eat on the table, the most popular dishes often are rich breads, hearty stews and soups and seafood meals. This means that there is no particular culture of serving appetizers, salads and extravagant desserts! But the food scenery in Ireland got very internationally inspired during the last years. Especially the italian cuisine is very popular!

Around The World, Week by Week: Ireland -  Eggsalad Sandwiches with Crisps by gingerlemonandspice

But one thing you can find in almost any cuisine and this is some kind of snack or fast food, because sometimes there is just the need for a quick and easy meal.

The most popular Irish snack or fast food are sandwiches. You can get them everywhere – in supermarkets, at airports, bus and train stations or in pubs. It is one of the most traditional things served in pubs! And in pubs is where I recommend you to try them when you are visiting the island! There is nothing compared to a fresh sandwich, prepared in front of your eyes with whatever filling you wish and served with a generous handful of crisps at the side!

I used to only know the sandwiches that are kept in plastic package and can be bought at supermarkets for example and they are usually really dry and boring. So it took me some time until an Irish friend took me to a pub and invited me to a sandwich, and now I don’t want to miss it on any of my trips! Also if you look for it you will find several Deli stands, even in supermarkets, that also prepare the sandwiches right there when you order them. It’s such a huge difference!!


The recipe I have for you today is the one for a sandwich with my favorite filling: Egg Salad. Even better, if it’s accompanied by some salad leaves, cheese and fresh slices of tomato! Yummmm!!

Just give it a try, you won’t regret it! 


Eggsalad Sandwich & Crisps
Prep time
Total time
This is a delicious sandwich that's perfect for an everyday snack or light lunch! It's quick to prepare and the crisps on the side add a nice crunch to this dish!
Recipe type: Snack, Sandwich
Cuisine: Irish
Serves: 2
for the eggsalad:
  • 4 hard boiled eggs
  • 1 Tbsp. of Yoghurt
  • 1 Tbsp. of Mayonnaise
  • 1 Tbsp. fresh finely chopped parsley
  • juice of ½ a lime
  • salt, pepper
other ingredients:
  • 4 big slices of sandwich bread
  • a handful of young salad leaves
  • 3 Tbsp. grated cheddar (preferably Irish)
  • 1 tomato in thin slices
  • 2 big handfuls of crisps (preferably Irish salt or salt & vinegar crisps)
  1. First prepare the egg salad by peeling and chopping the eggs in chunks that are not too small. Add yoghurt, mayonnaise, parsley, limejuice, pepper and salt to the mix and stir. Taste if the mix needs more of anything! Eggs can use quite a bit of salt, so keep that in mind.
  2. Lay two slices of the bread in front of you and spread the eggsalad on them. Add the cheese, salad and tomato slices on top and cover with another slice of bread. Cut diagonally into 4 pieces and arrange them on nice plates.
  3. Put the crisps next or around the sandwiches and dig in!!


Around The World, Week by Week: Ireland -  Eggsalad Sandwiches with Crisps by gingerlemonandspice

Here are the other recipes I shared during this series:

Breakfast – Irish Scones with Raisins

Drink – Jameson Whiskey with Ginger Ale

Soup – Seafood Chowder

Main Dish – Irish Stew with Guinness

Dessert – Fruit Crumble

Pastry – Barmbrack Sweet Bread


~ Kathrin


© Copyright 2014 Kathrin, All rights Reserved. Written For: ginger, lemon & spice

9 Responses »

  1. These sandwiches look so yummy! I love egg salad, and practically only ate that for a while in my life. Yours look really good! I can’t wait to try them.

  2. Pingback: » Around The World: Ireland – Fruit Crumble ginger, lemon & spice

  3. Pingback: » Around the World: Ireland – Seafood Chowder ginger, lemon & spice

  4. Pingback: » Around The World, Week By Week: IRELAND & Irish Scones ginger, lemon & spice

  5. Pingback: » Around The World: Ireland – Barmbrack ginger, lemon & spice

  6. Pingback: » Around The World: Ireland – Irish Stew with Guinness ginger, lemon & spice

  7. Pingback: » Around The World: Ireland – Jameson Whiskey with Ginger Ale ginger, lemon & spice

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