Tag Archives: cherries

Cherry Bakewells

Cherry Bakewells
Cherry Bakewells

Hello everyone!!

How was your summer so far? At least in Germany it doesn’t feel like summer at all – it is quite cold and rainy at times. The few hot days we had are already weeks ago and I didn’t have any time then to go to an open air pool or do something else summery 😉

So please tell me you had a great summer and make me jealous!! 🙂

Cherry Bakewell Tarts by ginger, lemon and spice


What I have for you today is my recipe for homemade Cherry Bakewells.

Sharing this recipe with you feels like letting you in on a very big secret!!

I still can remember when I had my first Cherry Bakewell ever – it was during my Au Pair stay in Ireland. The family I stayed with had them at home one day, in their box, looking very pretty with the thick white icing and the shiny little glace cherry on top. I have never seen anything like those little tarts in German stores, I guess nobody really had enough patience to produce such little pastries in masses for a store to sell! 🙂

So I went ahead and tried one – rich and sweet softness, a buttery pastry outside with a moist filling with berry flavors and just a hint of almond! I fell in love right there and then!!

Cherry Bakewell Tarts by ginger, lemon and spice


And now, every time I go back to Ireland (which is quite often as you may have read here, here or here) I just HAVE to buy at least one box of Cherry Bakewells to eat right there or take home with me. They are the perfect little treat and spend sweet comfort and utter satisfaction. The only problem is, or at least was, that I couldn’t find them anywhere in Germany and the ones I took home from Ireland where gone all too quickly!

Cherry Bakewell Tarts by ginger, lemon and spice


I dreamed about making them at home for soo long and finally having them recreated I can say it was a lot easier than I thought!! Of course, it takes some time, and shaping the pastry cups needs some practice but by the end the result – holding my own homemade Cherry Bakewells in my hands and knowing that I can now have them any time I want –  was totally worth it!!

And as an added bonus: They freeze perfectly!! I just popped them in a reclosable freezer bag and whenever I felt the urge of a little comfort in sweetness I just took one or two out and let them come back to room temperature. This only took about 2 hours and they tasted just perfect!

Cherry Bakewell Tarts by ginger, lemon and spice


Cherry Bakewells
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Perfect little homemade Cherry Bakewells that taste even better than the store bought ones!
Recipe type: sweet pastry, little cakes
Cuisine: English/Irish
Serves: 12
  • 225g (3x ⅔ cups) flour
  • 150g (2/3 cup) butter, softened
  • 1 Tablespoon sugar
  • 1 egg yolk
  • cold water as needed
  • 12 Teaspoons strawberry jam (I used homemade strawberry & elderflower jam)
  • 50g (1/4 cup) butter, softened
  • 50g (1/4 cup) sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 50g (3/8 cup) ground almonds
  • 50g (3/8 cup) flour
  • ¼ Teaspoon of baking powder
  • a few drops of almond flavour or essence (we have Bittermandel-Öl in Germany)
  • 175g (1½ cups) icing sugar
  • 1-2 Tablespoons of water
  • 12 glace cherries
  1. Rub butter into flour and sugar until it resembles fine breadcrumbs.
  2. Add the egg yolk and cold water one teaspoon at the time until dough comes together.
  3. Wrap in cling film and store in fridge for at least 30 min.
  4. Meanwhile prepare your muffin tin by greasing all molds with butter or margarine.
  5. Take dough out of the fridge and devide into 12 portions. Line the muffin molds with pastry dough by rolling every portion into a circle big enough to fill it or devide each portion into 2, shaping one into a snake that covers the sides of the muffin mold and one into a ball and press it down to form the bottom. Shape the dough with your fingers into pastry cups.
  1. Preheat your oven to 180°C.
  2. Spoon 1 teaspoon of strawberry jam (or any other kind you like) into each pastry cup.
  3. Cream together butter and sugar until fluffy. Add the egg and mix until well incorporated.
  4. Put flour, baking powder, ground almonds and almond flavour into the bowl and stir well.
  5. Devide the mixture between the 12 pastry cups and make sure that the jam is completely covered.
  6. Bake your Cherry Bakewells for 20 minutes until golden.
  7. After taking them out of the oven press the filling mixture softly back down again with the back side of a spoon to form a little mold for the icing. Let the bakewells cool down before taking them out of the muffin tin.
  1. Mix icing sugar with the water (don't put it all in at once, just add little by little until you have a thick white glace) and spoon on top of the bakewells. Top each tart with a glace cherry as long as the icing is still wet.
  2. Let the Cherry Bakewells completely cool down and enjoy!
They freeze very well - just take them out of the freezer and let them come back to room temperature!

Cherry Bakewell Tarts by ginger, lemon and spice

What are you waiting for? Get Baking!! 🙂


~ Kathrin

Cherry Chocolate Cake – Birthday Cake No. 2

Cherry Chocolate Cake – Birthday Cake No. 2
Cherry Chocolate Cake – Birthday Cake No. 2

Hey there!

The week is finally over!! BIG SIGH OF RELIEF!!! It was such a long and hard week, having 4 exams to study for and not being even sure if I passed. But it’s over now!!!

I am feeling so much better already even if I still have another coloquial one next week.

Cherry Chocolate Cake by gingerlemonandspice

So I thought it is finally the time to share another one of my scrumptious birthday cakes! My birthday was already 1,5 months ago but I still hadn’t the time to share this recipe with you. The Caramel Maple Bacon Cupcakes had to come first 😉

Here I have the Cherry Chocolate Cake recipe for you!! The cake was loved very much too, it was the one who had the fewest pieces left! 😉

Read more about my birthday and the other cakes here: Buttermilk Banana Bread

Cherry Chocolate Cake by gingerlemonandspice


Cherry Chocolate Cake

recipe adapted from this book



1 glas sour cherries (about 370g)

100g dark chocolate finely grated with a big knife ( just try to slice very thin slices of the chocolate, it will break into ‘grated’ pieces)

200g butter, softened (a little less then 1 cup)

175g (3/4 cup) sugar

1 package vanilla sugar (or 1 teaspoon extract)

1 pinch of salt

4 eggs

125g (1 cup) flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

100g grounded almonds (a little less then 1 cup)



1. Put the cherries into a colander and drain well. If you want you can keep the sirup but it will not be used in the recipe. Preheat oven to 180°C (350°F).

Butter a springform pan well.

2. Beat butter and sugars with salt until foamy with a hand mixer. This may take a few minutes. Add eggs one by one, mix well in between.

3. Now add flour and baking powder. Stir the dry ingredients on top of the wet ones a little with a spoon to mix up. Then use your hand mixer to incorporate.

4. Finally add chocolate and almonds and mix.

5. Add a little bit of your batter into the springform pan and flatten with the back of a spoon. Put the cherries on top and take care that no one of the cherries touches the rim of the pan. Now add the rest of the batter on top (not all in one place – put big dollops all over the cake) and then spread it out and cover the cherries.

6. Bake the cake for 45 minutes. When wooden skewer comes out clean the cake is ready. Let it cool for 20 minutes and then remove the springform pan.

7. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top of the cake with the help of a small colander. Let cool completely and Enjoy!! 🙂

Cherry Chocolate Cake by gingerlemonandspice

~ Kathrin